The Polymer library is no longer under active development. We recommend moving to Lit. For more information, see the support notice.

Of course, a button isn't a button if you can't click it. In this step, we'll make the icons react to input.

In this step, you'll:

To toggle the button, we will add an event listener. In icon-toggle.js, add the following line of code to the constructor:

this.addEventListener('click', this.toggle.bind(this));


constructor() {


constructor() {
  this.addEventListener('click', this.toggle.bind(this));

When the 'click' event fires, a callback function (toggle) is triggered.

Now you need to define the callback function, toggle. In icon-toggle.js, in the IconToggle class definition, add the following function after the constructor:

toggle() {
  this.pressed = !this.pressed;


class IconToggle extends PolymerElement {
  static get template() {
  static get properties() {
  constructor() {


class IconToggle extends PolymerElement {
  static get template() {
  static get properties() {
  constructor() {
  toggle() {
    this.pressed = !this.pressed;

Key information:

  • Use the standard addEventListener method to add event listeners imperatively.

  • An element's constructor is a good place to add event listeners.

  • Make sure you are aware of the scope of the this value when referencing this from inside a function that gets passed as an argument, like a callback. In the code above, we have handled scope by binding the this value (this.toggle.bind(this)), but you could alternately handle it by using ES6 arrow functions.

Save icon-toggle.js and reload the demo. You should be able to press the button and see it toggle between its pressed and unpressed states.

Demo showing icon toggles with star and heart icons.

Next, learn to style your elements with custom CSS properties in step 5.

Previous step: Use data binding and properties Next step: Theming with custom CSS properties